Friday, 10 October 2014

No second guessing… Don’t look back

We all Imagine ourselves the agents  of destiny capable of determining our own fate but have we truly any choice when we fall or rise? You think there is force larger than ourselves that does our directions. Is it evolution that takes us by the hand? Or is it the science by Darwin? Or is it God that’s keeping us all safe?...

For all his blusters it is the sound province of man that he can’t chose his triumphs and downfall, he can only chose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes, hoping that he will have the courage to answer

To be continued…


  1. This is deep. I got confused also is this a scientific post or a religious post? All the same nice

  2. See it how you deem fit for it is an open mind that is required. Jibade I love the write up.
