Sunday 8 June 2014


The uncontrollable need to repeatedly ingest substances (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engage in particular activities (Gambling, on the Internet such as porn sites) despite its negative effect and consequences or a neurological impairment leading to strange behaviors. Addiction includes drug abuse, food addiction, alcohol addiction , gambling and so on which gives temporary pleasure(short term effects) coupled with delayed delirious effects(long term effects). It becomes so important making life responsibilities such as work, relationships or health meaningless and leads to problems at home, work and school.

Experts suggest that there is a link between the repeated use of an addictive substance and how the human brain experiences pleasure. It gives a nice reward, leading to more frequent use and dire consequences.The addiction may lead to a process of physical addiction or tolerance where the users body adapts to the presence of the drug and the drug no longer has the same pleasure and an increase in the dose begins until the user no longer experiences pleasure from the substance and takes it simply to prevent withdrawal symptoms which include seizures(fits) and hallucinations. The person then starts taking the substance just to make them feel normal.
Users may not usually be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others. Addiction leads to nothing good and treatment is usually advised. The basic initial treatment is 'Realizing you have a problem'. As cliché as it sounds, its the first step to recovery. Most times, its very important to have a non-judgmental and supportive counselor to help you to overcome your addiction. Its also important to involve and have the love and support of friends and family for fast recovery

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